Hope For When Life Doesn’t Get Better

Hope For When Life Doesn’t Get Better

I often get caught up in the daily struggle against common trials; somedays it’s the seemingly ever-present demon of perfectionism. Some days, it is overcoming depression or anxiety enough to get up in the morning. But despite the mundane habit of battling your demons each day, God promises victory to those who surrender. If we surrender the daily fight, we reap eternal rewards. The hope found in God’s endurance alongside us amid our battles is the small yet powerful driving force to help us endure. Because if He can, then we can.

“Our hope in you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort.”

2 Corinthians 1:7

God’s Hope-Building Message To The Hurting

Although it may not feel like it, God promises to remain the same despite the season we walk through. The remembrance of this promise strengthens us, building our souls up with hope, the hope that we indeed are not alone. No matter the commonplace or unique foe, God will not leave our side, and He promises to use our struggles for His glory according to His perfect plan. I also find hope in the promise that, although we may not win every battle, God wins every war, and He will return with the proverbial head of our enemy time and time again, using the war as a tool to further His love. The very demon we wrestle with, the fight against our foes, those struggles will become our greatest strength.

“And in the very place where it was said to them, ‘You are not my people,’ there they will be called ‘sons of the living God.’”

Romans 9:26

The Perfect Example of God’s Power

In the everyday struggles that seem so monstrous, like an unbeatable foe constantly diminishing our chances of success, God promises to turn our greatest weakness into our greatest strength in the impossible battle between our mortal wound and our eternal souls. In the same area of our life where we struggle, God will make our greatest weapon against the enemy. I think that is so powerful, and it is a perfect example of God’s power over sin. He will call the battle good by not only sending victory but by annihilating the enemy.

In my struggle with the nagging voice of doubt and perfectionism, God promises to turn it into a weapon of war. Not a weapon against me, but for Him. Where the enemy is the strongest, God will turn the proverbial tables and make His place there. We may find the greatest blessings to ourselves and others in the place of bitterest defeat. We may see the fulfillment of God’s promises in the very existence of our struggles. It’s easy to count down the days before a change happens and all the world becomes right again, but maybe the lesson lies not after the struggle but in the midst of it?

The Power of Bad Memories

Every trial we face as Christians, every battle we win with God, acts as an arrow in our quiver. While the gain may be small, the victory is still proof of God’s work in our lives, and that faith-building fact is essential. Hold on to the memories of hopelessness along with the moment you look back and see God’s providence because those memories may spell the strengthening of your soul for the next great battle. Who knows, sharing your story might mean the strengthening of another in their own fight. Nothing feels better than hearing how you are not alone.

Hopefully, if you are walking through a hard season, this provided you a little bit of comfort. When I read those verses, I realized I had found a level of hope and strength even when I didn’t feel stronger or more energized. Even though the feeling might not be there, the seeds will take root and produce if allowed and encouraged. I found comfort in reading God’s promises and praying over my overwhelming struggles and reminding myself of God’s faithfulness.

2 thoughts on “Hope For When Life Doesn’t Get Better

  1. Thank you for the reminder that we should remember every victory -as it will strengthen our faith for the next. I am grateful for your perspective.

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