How to Remain Confident When Your Reputation is Threatened

How to Remain Confident When Your Reputation is Threatened

Some people and situations never fail to stir up my anger. Have you ever felt like laugh-crying when one more degrading comment acts as the last straw? It often feels like we attract snarky statements and passive remarks. The enemy puts people in our path who know what to say to hurt us. For me, damaging my reputation is a guaranteed way to rouse my temper.

Reputation is important. I have to be known as the “good egg.” I have to be the girl who has straight A’s, keeps her room clean, follows the rules, and loves Jesus. My teachers have to know I respect them, and my peers have to know I accept them. I feel misrepresented when someone meets me on a bad day. If someone sees me when I confuse my words or act in anger, I feel I have to play catch-up to leave them with a good impression.

A particular event comes to my mind. In wrestling with next steps, I found myself in the middle of a tug-of-war. One voice told me it was just and fair to confront my offender. Even the Bible says to go to your brother to discuss their offense against you. Another voice told me to think one step further and ask, “how would my antagonist swallow my impeccably bullet-pointed list of discussion points?” Even Jesus remained silent in the face of mockers. I wanted so badly to call out the ways I felt violated and betrayed. But I understood the foundation my provoker stood on. I knew what it was like to see the negative in others and internalize comments not meant as criticism. The choice was a difficult one.

Reputation is an idol in my heart as it makes me focus on what others think about me instead of what God thinks of me. So, when someone spreads a rumor or attacks my character, I naturally want to defend myself. Usually, this means returning the snarky comment or setting the record straight. But doing so only agitates the situation further. Fighting fire with fire leaves greater destruction.

“The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.”

Exodus 14:14 ESV

Surrender the battle to the Lord, and you are assured victory because our God does not fail. ⠀⠀⠀⠀

Remember God’s Power (Even Over Reputation)

Exodus 14:14 describes God with His name “Yahweh.” This title is the same name used in the Exodus 3 account of God and Moses’ conversation before Moses left for Egypt. Moses asks God who to say he is sent by, and “God said to Moses, ‘I AM WHO I AM.’ (Exodus 13:14).”

“I AM” or “Yahweh” conveys power and complete authority. Remembering the unlimited power of the God who saved us creates an environment of absolute trust. Fixating our minds on God’s power places our hearts in His peace. Just as we trust teachers’ educational authority because of their extensive knowledge, so we trust the trustworthiness of God because of His indescribable strength and historical faithfulness.

Whenever we face a testing situation, and we are tempted to intervene, remember whom we serve. We serve the God who formed creation, knew the end before the beginning, created a plan to rescue us. He has the foresight to determine the best next step, even if it’s not the most satisfying one.

Hold Your Tongue

The second part of the verse reads, “you have only to be silent.” Our job is to allow God to fight our battles. Although it is hard, bite your tongue and don’t react. When the religious leaders tried His character and legitimacy, Jesus said little. The time for righteous anger is when the Bible and the character of God are twisted. Jesus defended the truth against the enemy in Matthew 4.

The Purpose

In Exodus 14, God tells Moses His plan to allow Pharaoh to pursue the Israelites. They had just tasted freedom, and now Pharaoh threatened it.

Verse 4 tells us God said, ‘” I will harden Pharaoh’s heart, so that he will pursue them; and I will gain honor over Pharaoh and over all his army, that the Egyptians may know that I am the Lord.'”

God allowed Pharaoh to come for the Israelites so that the Israelites may see the power and trustworthiness of God. When we allow God to intervene and solve the situation, we allow God an opportunity to glorify Himself in our lives.
The Israelites were overcome with emotion and turned to God for help. When anxiety and anger and confusion threaten to trample us like the Pharaoh’s army, we are to call out to God amid the noise.

Verses 13 and 14 say, “And Moses said to the people, ‘Do not be afraid. Stand still, and see the salvation of the Lord, which He will accomplish for you today.'”

Moses told the people not to let the actions of others dictate their emotions. Do not allow the world to blind you from seeing God’s glory. God called His people to act instead of panicking, and he provided a way. Maybe acting on our own creates a stubbornness that blinds us from God’s perfect perspective. Perhaps entertaining how we would or should react builds a wall to block out God’s instruction.

As I contemplated my situation behind closed doors, after hearing my family’s advice, after reasoning through the options I could find, I turned to God. Asking for wisdom, I surrendered the outcome to Him. Overcome with my own emotions, I submitted my reputation to Him. I didn’t know where to run or what to think or what to say, but God did. For the curious, I ended up biting my tongue and letting God fight the battles that I didn’t have clear direction on how to fight. He didn’t give me a game plan, so I took the hint and sat that one out. Maybe He sent a tidal wave of Holy Spirit conviction to whitewash their heart, perhaps not. Maybe God allowed me to realize the situation for my own growth, I assume so.

Reputation vs God

When mockers threaten your peace, remember the power and wisdom of God. Remember the advice of Moses to the Israelites, “The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.” The best way to fight back and set the record straight is to step back and let God work. We don’t have all the details, but we serve the God who does.

Sometimes God allows people to attack our reputation, wound our hearts, injure our relationships to show Himself greater than the others. God calls us to put Him first, leave everything else and follow Him. Leave the flawless reputation and abundant relationships. God calls us to surrender our past priorities to find completeness in His guidance for our future.

For more information on overcoming harsh words from mockers, click here to read “5 Ways To Process Hurtful Insults and Overcome Insecurity.”

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